Sunday, February 06, 2005


Today I had a wonderful idea. I was at work, so I couldn't write it down. Every time I went to do so, we'd get busy again and I'd have to do something. It was foolish.

But anyway, I've been thinking of ideas for comics. I've been thinking about it too hard, and that's what the problem has been. But today, things just started to hit me. It felt good, just to have those new ideas floating around in my head. It was almost too much. I didn't have my notebook either, so I couldn't even take notes. Why I didn't just use the loose paper that was lying around I'm still not sure. But they stuck with me, and now I have the painful task of sorting through all of them, and turning them into coherent thoughts.

Getting the idea is the easy part, shaping it into something is where it gets hard.

I have all day tomorrow to think things through. I tend to get alot of thinking done at work. One of the perks of having a job you don't have to think too hard about.

Maybe by next time I'll have some of those ideas to share. Don't count on it though.

P.S. I added my e-mail address to this. If you feel you have something worth while to tell me, take a chance. I won't promise you anything.

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