We head to Fazolli's for breakfast and kill time. We play in Milwaukee tonight with Wings of Scarlet and Tears of Gaia. It's a 10-11 hour drive there from GI, so we have to haul ass. The van is done at noon, we get back to the hotel throw everything in and take off.
Sias drives like a crazy man. 90 to 100 mph in a van with a trailer, weaving in and out of traffic, scaring the living hell out of me. After an hour, I couldn't take it anymore, put my headphones on and tried to sleep. Bill asked how I could sleep, he couldn't take his eyes off the road, because Sias was scaring him, too. Parker of Scarlet calls us to say he's delaying the show as long as possible, but it still has to start at about 8 pm (it was supposed to be 5). We roll in half an hour after the show ends, but people are still hanging out.
The rest of our shows fell through. No shows until the TL fest on Saturday. 4 days away.
We hit up a pizza joint after the show, and Parker tells us we can stay at his house, so we head back there. Parker's house is the most cluttered place I have ever seen. Granted, I was in heaven because he had Star Wars toys everywhere, but it made it difficult to find a place for 8 of us to sleep. Bill and Chris shared a love seat and slept sitting down, I fucked up my back by trying to stretch out on another love seat and the rest of the dudes slept on the floor.
The next morning around 7 am, someone, I won't mention any names (Sias) used the bathroom and tried to flush the toilet. Tried is the operative word here, as the pipes were frozen and nothing happened. So we break the news to Parker when he wakes up at 11 and head out to eat. Tears of Gaia tell us that they e-mailed Undying to try and get on their Pittsburgh show friday night. We figure it's worth a shot and head to the library. We wander around Milwaukee for a while, in the bitter cold, and where do we end up? A record shop. We've covered my feelings on this before, so I'll skip to us walking back to Parker's house. I thought Grand Island was cold, but Milwaukee is colder than that, so we walked as quick as we could.

Parker's toilet still isn't fixed and the landlord can't get there until the next day, so he tells us that we can stay at the house we played at the night before. We figured that was a good idea, as she has more room and a working bathroom. She was also making vegan fried chicken that night so we should hurry over there. It's a regular party over there and we all have a wonderful meal. The girl that owned the house told us that she knew a guy from SLC once that she talked to all the time on the internet. She met him on Makeoutclub and at one point was going to move to SLC to be with him, but again, I won't mention any names (Nate Briscoe). As the night went on and we watched TV, the who's who of Milwaukee showed up. At one point, this guy dressed in drag walked in and pranced right upstairs. It was obviously a guy, but trying really hard to fool everyone. It didn't work. We asked what the deal was, and the girl told us how he tricked the guitar player from a band when he was drunk and ended up making out with him. She wouldn't tell us who it was, but I figured it out. A few months before, I was talking to someone and he was telling us how he got really drunk and made out with a dude. He wouldn't tell me where he was, but everything started falling in to place. I asked her if I was it was, oh fuck it, it was Scott of From Autumn to Ashes. She said yes, and we laughed and laughed. Then my phone rang and it was The girl from Undying. She had gotten us on the show in Pitts, and made our night. We had two days to get there and decided to leave in the morning, that way we would for sure have a enough time to get there. Because if we learned one thing on this trip, nothing is ever going to go as planned.
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