We had a quick band discussion and decided that we probably wouldn’t stand a very good chance with only 5 of us and we didn’t want to drag Oubliette into something we weren’t very clear on to begin with (not to mention I’m not sure how effective they would have been if something had gone down). We took a vote and decided that since every other time we’d played Sacramento it was all right at best, we’d skip it and go stay with Clint’s aunt and cousin in Monterey Bay. There was a beach and we had the next day off before hitting Fresno on Monday. We called Oubliette, gave them the run down, told them to have fun and we’d see them in a couple of days.
Monterey Bay is a cool little town, but there’s not much to do. We pulled up in front of Clint’s aunt’s apartment building, grabbed our stuff and headed upstairs. We all kind of crashed on the floor and couch for a while Clint hung out with his little cousin. When we woke up and got ready later in the afternoon, we decided to head out and have a look around the town. We wandered the streets that were packed with tourists, checked out the bay and debated whether or not to pay for the aquarium. No one wanted to spend the money, so we bagged that idea and kept walking around. On the way back to the apartment, we stopped by Walgreen’s for snacks and what not. There was a huge Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince display and Brook and I both picked up a copy and started reading a little. I put the book down after a minute and went for food. As we were leaving, we saw Brook all the way on the other side of the parking lot reading Harry Potter. We walked back to the apartment and watched the Pauly Shore classic Son-In-Law, hung out and saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory later that night.

Clint’s aunt is really nice and her eccentric, gay friend was one of the highlights of the trip. He didn’t quite understand straight edge, so he bought several bottles of wine, opened them and set them up all across the table “in case we wanted a taste.” Since none of us did want a taste, he ended up drinking more than he should, which made the night that much more entertaining. George showed off his sweet coloring skills and the food ended up being pretty good and the gay guy was hilarious. Monterey Bay was fun but we were getting bored and wanted to get back to playing shows. Fortunately we had Fresno the next night.
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