Now, I’m not much of a skater, so I opted out and went back in the apartment with a couple of the other dudes. I was looking around the apartment for something to entertain me while the rest of them played video games and hit up the Myspace. As I was looking at the movies, I noticed a book that I had been looking at the day before at Tower Records: “How to Make Love Like a Porn Star” by Jenna Jameson. I had read an excerpt from the book In Rolling Stone a few months before and it seemed interesting, so I picked it up. Two hours later I had read about 70 pages of it. I stopped for a minute to hear a story of how Dan ate shit two seconds after getting to the skate park and acquired a huge bruise that covered his entire knee. I read for most of the day while Austin schooled the rest of the dudes at NBA Live2005 and the other dudes chatted on the internet to random girls.
At about 6pm, we decided to go eat again because this tour was more about food than anything else, and there was a Thai restaurant near the venue. After we were through, we got to the venue just in time to meet up with Bring It Down. Brook went over to square everything away, and it went much easier than we thought it would. We played the show, and like Sacramento, since we weren’t old school two-step, we didn’t go over too well. We started packing up, and Matt was nowhere to be found. He was on his cell phone the entire time we were loading the trailer, and that’s about the time we decided his new nickname would be Rookie, and that’s what we called him for the rest of the trip. When we were done loading, we headed back to Harry’s apartment for another night of video games. I was relieved that we weren’t going to see Bring it Down again until Phoenix because tempers were still rising.
The next morning, we found out that our Long Beach show had been cancelled, so we had a day off to spend playing video games. While Jake was browsing through the bulletins on Myspace, he found a flyer for our show in LA the next night, but with another band added to the bill: Bring it Down. This is about the time that tempers rose through the roof and a few kids became irate. Around 3pm we left Redding to drive down and stay with a friend in Long Beach, but we hit some bad traffic right around Sacramento and it took us a lot longer than we expected. Finally around 1am, we rolled into Hollywood with nowhere to go so Austin got off the freeway to drive around the city until we found a place to go. We couldn’t get a hold of anyone, so we started looking for hotels around Huntigton Beach. The cheapest hotel we could find was about $75, and we decided that since it was already two in the morning, and we would have to check out by 11 it wouldn’t be worth it. So we drove behind the hotel and fell asleep with the homeless guy that was camped out by the dumpster.
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