The only reason I'm writing about this show, is because it was a disaster as far as we were concerened.
Terror used to be one of my favorite bands, and some of the nicest dudes I know, so I'd been trying to get on a Terror show for months. They'd come through a few times, but for some reason we never got on the show. Finally, we got on the MADE tour as the opening band. Figured it was going to be a good show all around. We show up at about 6:45 and there's nowhere out front to park, so we used the handicapped spot. We were just going to unload the van then find a parking spot. We got about 1/4 of the way unloaded and parking enforcement shows up. The asshole tells us that we had to move and he meant business. I try and talk him into letting us just unload everything and then we'll move. He says if the van isn't gone in ten seconds, he's giving us a $75 ticket. We shut the van, I drive around the block and park in front of a driveway. We recruit some kids in line and get everything out before he gets back. I park the van and run back to the venue. It's about 7pm at that time. Chris is at work and Bill is at school. They said they'd be ther by 7:30 or 7:45. I figured that was no problem since show usually start around 8.
Not tonight, though. The club has just come under new management and set a curfew for 11pm. They also hired a stage manager. We'd played in this club at least 5 times before and never had to deal with anyone except Blake, but that night, Blake wasn't able to do much because the new managers had some grand idea of getting everyone out for no reason other than they wanted to get home in time for MASH. So as Clint is setting up, the stage manager walks up on stage.
"Alright, we're on curfew tonight, so you guys get twenty minutes. Start at 7:15 and be done by 7:35."
I looked at Nick, then turned back.
"Are you joking me? Start at 7:15? There's 25 kids outside."
"I'm serious. Get this shit set up, man. We've got a schedule to keep."
"Well," I said, "I think we have a problem because out bass player and singer aren't going to be here until at least 7:30."
"We were told the show wasn't going to start until 8."
"Nope. Doors are at 7, show starts at 7:15."
"Well. Fuck."
"What do you wanna do?"
"Looks like we're not playing."
"Are you sure?"
"Can't play without a bass or vocals."
"Shit man. Sorry to hear that. Let's get this stuff out of the way then."
Then he helped us move all of our stuff off the stage. At 7:45 Chris and Bill roll in, and I break the news to them. Chris thought I was joking and Bill didn't really seem to care aside from the fact that he left school early for nothing.
It was a hell of a last show for Chris and Nick.